Welcome to another edition of The Daily Poet, where we publish original poetry online.
If you’d like to be included in The Daily Poet, please send your poetry to TheMAGZine@gmail.com.
We would be more than happy to accept submissions to publish your poetry online.
And without further delay, here is the poem of today.
Hope you enjoy this edition of our online poetry publishing adventure, The Daily Poet.
In the Streets of South Beach
Even though the dogs piss
on their roots in the streets of South Beach,
the coconut trees still grow sweet fruit
and provide a steady stump
for the hookers and homeless to lean on,
and when one nut falls, it could crack
the skull of a passing-by tourist
who unknowingly looks up at the wrong moment
and only tastes the spectacularly splattered milk
as it leaks across their open mouth
in their last gasps of tropical air.
Thank you kindly for your time in reading The Daily Poet.
We sincerely appreciate it and wish the best of luck to you.
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