Time for another edition of The Daily Poet, our online poetry magazine from the Modern Author’s Guide, The MAG Zine.
I’m been trying to put together a collection of poetry to start submitting to magazines or possibly create a chapbook.
I figured I’d publish a larger collection of poems here, and then work it down to what I feel are the best poems for submitting.
Funny thing is I’ve realized that some poetry magazines and poetry journals consider poetry that is published on your personal blog or a blog that is open to the public as being previously published, so I guess I’ll have to remove these poems before submitting them or if I’m lucky enough to have them chosen for publication.
Oh well, this may be the only place they’re ever published, so that could just not matter in the end either way.
But who cares about all of that – on with the 5th edition of The Daily Poet.
From the Pier
The trees hover in the mist of morning
alliterating the waves rushing off shore
twittering in the sunlit scenic setting
where fishermen come to dream in the evening.
There’s no flare to fire for safety,
no message to set the sky ablaze
and lead men to follow it here
to find an empty pot of gold.
The breeze comes in like sighs of relief,
like the dead taking a final swim out to sea,
letting the water drift deeper below them
until there’s no hope of reaching the bottom alive.
Thank you very much for reading, we really appreciate it. Please feel free to leave your comments.
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